Planning, Building & Construction

Current Projects & Initiatives

Discover current and future projects while sharing your ideas, thoughts, and feedback to help contribute in shaping your community!

Land Use Planning

Development and growth in the Town is managed through Land Use Planning in a way that respects environmental, social, and economic concerns while following the objectives and policies of the Town's Official Plan.

Building Permits & Inspections

The Building Services Division provides a review of building plans and zoning related to building permits, the issuance of permits and all related inspections.

Development Engineering

Development Engineering is a division of the Planning and Development Services Department and is responsible for the detailed technical engineering review of development projects.

Development Charges

Development charges are fees that the Town collects to help pay for the cost of infrastructure required to provide municipal services to new developments.

Sustainability & Environment

The Town of The Blue Mountains has created a Community Sustainability Plan to ensure the Town and its residents, workers and visitors thrive for generations to come.

Short Term Accommodations

Information regarding short-term accommodation licensing and by-laws.