The Town of The Blue Mountains is pleased to offer Cloudpermit, an online system that allows residents, builders, and members of the business community to easily apply for and track building permits.
To get started with Cloudpermit, create an account.
Please note: An email address is required to use the Cloudpermit System
Getting Started with Cloudpermit
The Town of the Blue Mountains will begin accepting applications using Cloudpermit on January 1, 2025, for those comfortable with the software. Applications via email (using our PDF application forms) will continue to be accepted until May 1, 2025.
Building permits give legal permission to construct, demolish or renovate on a property. Constructing without a building permit may result in construction delays, fines, and/or the removal of work completed.
A commercial building is a building that is used for commercial use. Some examples include office buildings, warehouses, or retail, including convenience stores and shopping malls.