Private Pool Permit Guide

All application forms, drawings, and related documents shall be submitted electronically in PDF format to or by using our secure ShareFile system. Please refer to our Electronic Document Submission Guide.

Application Forms

  1. Private Pool Permit Application Form
  2. Owner’s Authorization Form (Required if Applicant is not the Owner)
  3. Memorandum of Understanding and Indemnity for the Installation of Private Pools 

Required Drawings and Specifications

All drawings are to be submitted in black and white.

  1. Site Plan and/or Lot Grading Plan 
    • Site plan identifying the location of all property lines, swimming pool location, pool equipment, fence locations, gates, and setback dimensions.
    • If the grading of the property has not been certified by a professional engineer, or the property is located on a street that has not been assumed by the Town, a site-specific grading plan prepared and stamped by a Professional Engineer or Ontario Land Surveyor is required and shall be designed in accordance with the approved subdivision grading plan. The engineered plan shall include the location of all property lines, swimming pool location, pool equipment, fence locations, gates, setback dimensions and proposed grades. 

Fees Charges & Deposits

  1. Private Pool Permit Fee $100.00 

Approvals from other Agencies are required in many instances before a building permit application can be processed and before a permit is issued for construction. These approvals are not administered by Building Services. Please ensure all other required approvals are complete.  Applicable Law 


  • A Temporary Fence is required to be in place during all phases of construction.
  • Inspection of a pool enclosure is required prior to filling the pool with water.
  • Private Pool By-law Office Consolidation 2002-8 

Next Steps

Submit complete application including supporting documentation electronically to  Application is reviewed for completeness and compliance with the Zoning bylaw and other Applicable Law. Permit will be issued when review is complete, and fees are paid. The permit holder shall notify the Building Department to arrange for an inspection prior to filling the pool with water.