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The Thornbury-Clarksburg Rotary Club approached Town Council in September of 2022 with the concept of revitalizing Moreau Park in Thornbury under the theme, “Kindness at Play.” The elements proposed included a new skate park for all ages and abilities, a year-round paved walking path, a sensory garden and an accessible playground. Council directed staff to include this project for consideration as an addition to the 2023 Town budget.
This project presents a larger opportunity for the Town to consider incorporating additional recreational elements that have been identified through the Town’s Leisure Activity Plan and Resident Satisfaction Survey. Additionally, previously approved or proposed projects including construction of a permanent, covered pavilion with washroom facilities, and resurfacing of the baseball diamonds could be included in this project. These elements will be evaluated through a multi-stage community consultation program consisting of initial surveying and engagement to establish priorities, followed by an evaluation of conceptual designs.
It's anticipated that the funding for construction will be presented in the 2025 Town budget, with construction commencing in 2025.
Why Now?
The Thornbury-Clarksburg Rotary Club has partnered with the Town to revitalize Moreau Park. The existing playground equipment is approaching the end of its useful life, so this is a good opportunity to revitalize the entire space under a single, holistic approach.
Project Updates
September 23, 2024 - Thornbury-Clarksburg Rotary Club fundraising initiatives
The Thornbury-Clarksburg Rotary Club has a number of events upcoming that are in support of raising the $200,000 they've pledged to fundraise for the revitalization of Moreau Park. The Kindness Gala is coming up on November 9, 2024 at the Georgian Peaks Club. Tickets are now available for the Gala, and sponsorship opportunities are also available.
Additionally, the annual Thornbury Turkey Trot, David Slade Memorial Golf Tournament and Dinner of the Month also contribute to the fundraising for the Moreau Park Kindness at Play initiative. Event details can be found on the Rotary club's website.