Thornbury Harbour Pier following reconstruction

Thornbury Pier Deck Replacement

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The Thornbury Pier is a significant waterfront amenity that typically sees large numbers of visitors throughout the summer months for uses such as swimming, fishing, and viewing Georgian Bay. As the pier deck deteriorated, Town staff worked with the owner of the structure, Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada, to purchase and install matting to cover the surface of the pier and eliminate tripping hazards. This solution worked for many years until high water levels started moving the matting and then ice during the winter season damaged the matting and the edging even further until it was no longer feasible to repair and replace the matting.

Engineering Services were retained and following the report by AECOM in 2020, it was recommended that a full deck replacement take place due to the condition of the deck. After the existing decking is removed, areas under the pier that are void of granular stone will be replaced, conduits will be replaced and minor welding repairs will occur. After a Request For Proposal for the construction was posted in early 2021, the contract was awarded to Brook Restoration Ltd. Construction began on Friday, March 12, 2021. 

Why Now?

The Town is working to reconstruct the deteriorated surface of the pier caused by years of high-water levels and ice damage.

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