209579 Highway 26

Project Information
Application Type(s)
Town file #
209579 Highway 26
Date of Complete Application
January 5, 2024
Date of Public Meeting
February 13, 2024
Project location

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The proposal is seeking an amendment to Zoning By-law 2018-65 to construct a single detached dwelling and requests the following amendments to the Zoning By-law to permit:

  1. A minimum required setback from a Provincial Highway of 8.0m, whereas a minimum setback of 14.0m is required.
  2. A minimum required setback from the 177.9 GSC elevation of 7.0m for a dwelling and 3.0m for a deck, whereas a minimum setback of 15m is required.
  3. Retaining walls greater than 1m in height to be located within the front, interior side, and rear yards, whereas they are required to be no closer to the front lot line than the main building and no closer than 1.2m from interior and rear lot lines.
  4. A maximum of 3 storeys, whereas a maximum of 2.5 storeys is permitted.

Council enacted a by-law that approved the ZBA for this project on April 2, 2024.