Abbotts Subdivision

Project Information
Application Type(s)
Town file #
County file #
Total Residential Units
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The Abbotts Subdivision proposal seeks to create twelve (12) lots for twenty (20) total residential units. Four (4) lots would be created for four (4) units of single detached dwellings and eight (8) lots for sixteen (16) units of semi-detached dwellings. Access to the lots would be from extensions of Bay Street West and Victoria Street North. The new road extensions are proposed to be a one-way road. The proposed subdivision would be serviced by municipal water and sewer services. An associated Zoning By-law Amendment Application is proposed to rezone the subject lands from the Residential One (R1-1) zone to the Residential Two (R2) one to permit the semi-detached dwellings.

Please be advised that these applications have been appealed to the Ontario Land Tribunal (OLT), File numbers PL210152 and PL210156. Beginning Tuesday, May 24, 2022, the Town was party to an Ontario Land Tribunal hearing regarding the proposed “Abbotts” Subdivision in Thornbury. While the hearing touched on various issues, including those related to the design and servicing of the subdivision, the Town’s participation was focused on issues related to the provision of attainable housing. The Town is asking that the 20-unit development include six units that conform to the affordability parameters set out in the County of Grey Official Plan and Provincial Policy Statement.

The Tribunal's decision has approved the Zoning By-law Amendment, the Draft Plan and the Draft Plan conditions in principle, but the tribunal has withheld its final order until the Town has rezoned a Tree Preservation Area within the Town's unopened road allowance. The full decision can be found here.

Further to the Ontario Land Tribunal (OLT) Decision on the “Abbotts Subdivision” (OLT Case No. OLT-22-002269) an application for Zoning By-law Amendment is required to zone a portion of the Bay Street W and Victoria Street N Road allowances for tree protection. As considered during the Tribunal Hearing, the addition of a tree protection area was identified. This change requires a formal application and public process to be completed. As such, the Town has been directed to apply to re-zone the portion of the unopened Bay Street West and Victoria Street N Road Allowances for tree protection.

The effect of the application is to rezone a portion of the Bay Street W and Victoria Street N Road allowances from the Residential (R1-1) zone to the Open Space (OS) zone. It is noted that additional technical changes to the overall development plan considered by the OLT are not proposed. A Final Order from the OLT was received on January 13, 2023 (OLT Final Order).

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  1. completed
  2. completed


  1. completed
  2. completed
  3. completed

Development Engineering:

  1. current step
  2. not completed
  3. not completed
  4. not completed
  5. not completed


  1. not completed
  2. not completed
  3. not completed
  4. not completed