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Following completion of the 2021 Leisure Activities Plan, the Town of The Blue Mountains approved funding toward the delivery of a feasibility assessment regarding a multi-use recreation facility. The Town of Collingwood had also approved funding toward the delivery of a feasibility assessment through its 2019 Parks, Recreation and Culture Master Plan. Both Plans indicated that there were opportunities to utilize a regional approach to increase efficiency, reduce redundancy and provide accurate delivery of services throughout a future timeframe.
The feasibility assessment will confirm community needs for both the current timeframe as well as a defined future scope. This assessment will also review business alternatives to determine the most effective means of delivering services. Tools that will be used are expected to be an analysis of current strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats, in addition to community consultation, research of best practices, planning and forecasting tools, and the contextual review and application of other municipal plans and documents. The goal is to establish a better understanding of the needs of both communities, not to determine what a single facility will look like or where it will be located. The results are expected to provide Council with the information required to make a “go/no-go” decision on further progressing plans that could lead to a major capital project.
The model of integrating library services into a community centre has proven effective in several municipalities across the province. Therefore, as a measure of efficiency and timing opportunity, The Collingwood Library and The Blue Mountains Public Library will also be included as key contributors through the assessment.
Why Now?
Funding for individual feasibility studies was recommended through both The Blue Mountains’ 2021 Leisure Activities Plan and the Town of Collingwood’s 2019 Parks Recreation and Culture Master Plan. The municipalities have both received Council consent to work on a joint feasibility plan to investigate a regional approach.
Project Updates
December 9, 2024 - Final Project Report Delayed
The final report for the Joint Multi-Use Recreation Feasibility Assessment (MURFA) has been postponed until the new year. The MURFA Project Team has received a copy of the draft report from Colliers and is currently reviewing it. Given the importance of this project, time is being taken to carefully review the report and provide feedback to Colliers before the final report is presented to Council. The Town of the Blue Mountains and the Town of Collingwood Clerks’ departments are working to schedule a meeting in January that works for all involved. Once confirmed, the date and time will be provided to the public.
Public Consultation and Survey
The Town would like to thank everyone who took the time to complete the survey or attend a consultation session. Colliers continues to work on gathering data and analytics required to put together the final project report. This report is anticipated to be completed and presented in early 2025.
Email Updates
For ongoing updates regarding this study, please subscribe to our dedicated project email list using the link below.