Jack Acres Park houses one of the Town’s cenotaphs and is the location where the Thornbury and Clarksburg Remembrance Day Ceremonies are held each year. On this page: 1. Park Amenities2. Map and LocationPark AmenitiesCenotaphMap and Location Contact and locationStreet address155 Russell Street West, Thornbury, ONHoursSunday: 6:00-22:00Monday: 6:00-22:00Tuesday: 6:00-22:00Wednesday: 6:00-22:00Thursday: 6:00-22:00Friday: 6:00-22:00Saturday: 6:00-22:00Link to ArcGIShttps://thebluemountains.maps.arcgis.com/apps/MapSeries/index.html?appid=d632392bc1d648568f1052f4ed111212&entry=3