The Town of The Blue Mountains offers a variety of options to individuals who are seeking to honour their lost loved ones through monuments, memorials and floral tributes. If you require assistance, please contact the Town's Cemetery Staff.
Monuments & Memorials
There are a number of monuments and memorial options to honour lost loved ones. Please note Cemetery Staff must approve all monuments and memorials before they are installed to ensure they conform to cemetery standards.
There are several monument options that can be placed in the cemetery. Please note that a permit is required for all monuments and not all monuments are permitted on all plots.
Corner Markers: Are six-inch square stone markers that indicate the corners of a plot. They are typically engraved with a last name or family relationship (i.e. mother, father, etc.). Corner markers are included in the purchase of a plot.
Flat Monuments: Are generally rectangular in shape and are installed so that they lie flush with the ground. Flat monuments are not included in the purchase of a plot.
Pillow Monuments: Are similar to flat markers, with the top side raised a few inches above ground level. Pillow monuments are not included in the purchase of a plot.
Upright Monuments: Are the more traditional monuments found in cemeteries and sit perpendicular to the ground. Upright monuments are not included in the purchase of a plot.
Monument restrictions may vary based on plot size:
Single Plot
- One Flat Marker
- Two Corner Markers
Double Plot
- One Upright Monument or Pillow Marker
- Two Flat Markers (pillow markers may not be placed in front of upright monuments)
- Two Corner Markers
Cremation Plot
- One Flat Marker
Monuments, aside from corner markers, are not sold by the cemetery and must be purchased from a monument provider.
A Monument Installation Permit must be purchased from the Town in order to install a monument in the cemetery.
Permit Fees
Flat Marker $100.00 Small Upright Monument $200.00 Large Upright Monument $400.00 All prices are subject to HST.
A niche shutter is included in the purchase of each niche in the columbarium. Shutter engraving is not included and must be performed by a monument provider. Please note a Niche Shutter Permit must be obtained from the Town in order to have a niche shutter engraved. There is no fee associated with this permit.
Shutter engraving must meet the following standards:
- Individual Condensed Roman font type
- Names must be a font size of 1-3/16” or smaller
- Relationships must be a font size of 1-1/8” or smaller
- Dates must be a font size of 7/8” or smaller
- Etched designs and pictures are permitted
- Coloured pictures or coloured designs are not permitted
Please report any incidents of monument and memorial damage to Cemetery Staff as soon as possible. Do not attempt to repair or move any monuments or memorials within the cemetery.
Please note: Memorial Benches and Trees installation does not occur during the winter season.
If you are considering memorializing a loved one, memorial benches and trees are available for purchase from the Town’s Community Services Department.
Application Process
- Contact Community Services Staff
- Meet with Parks Staff to choose a suitable location
- Pay applicable fees
- Approve memorial plaque wording and font for engraving
Memorial Type Cost Bench - Black Coating $1000.00 each Bench - Galvanized Steel $900.00 each Tree $670.00 each All prices are subject to HST.
Payment Options
- Cash, cheque, debit, or credit card at the Town Hall
- Credit card over the phone by calling 519-599-3131 ext.289
- Cheque mailed to 32 Mill Street PO Box 310 Thornbury, ON N0H 2P0
Accepted Credit Cards: Mastercard and Visa
Black Coated Bench
ImageGalvanized Steel Bench
ImageCemetery Memorials
For information about the Town's cemeteries and cemetery memorial options, please visit our Monuments & Memorials page.
Reporting Memorial Bench or Tree Damage
Please report any damage to memorial benches or trees to Parks Staff as soon as possible.
If you are considering memorializing a loved one, memorial benches and trees are available for purchase from the Town’s Community Services Department.
Application Process
- Complete the Dog Park Memorial Plaque Application form
- Send application form to Community Services Staff
- Meet with Parks Staff to choose a suitable location
- Pay applicable fees
- Approve memorial plaque wording and font for engraving
Fees (subject to HST)
Memorial Type Cost Memorial Plaque at Dog Park $30.00 each Payment Options
- Cash, cheque, debit, or credit card at the Town Hall
- Credit card over the phone by calling 519-599-3131 ext.289
- Cheque mailed to 32 Mill Street PO Box 310 Thornbury, ON N0H 2P0
Accepted Credit Cards: Mastercard and Visa
Floral Tributes & Lot Care
If you would like to honour your loved ones through floral arrangements and tributes, please do so in accordance with the following provisions.
Please note Cemetery Staff reserve the right to remove or refuse any floral tribute (artificial, living or dead) that do not conform to the standards as indicated below or are not in keeping with the dignity and the decorum of the cemetery.
Saddle Floral Tributes
- Must be made of silk
- Must fit snugly on top of the monument
Potted Plants
- May be placed at the base of a monument but not buried
- Those who place potted plants are responsible for their upkeep and shall remove them by October 15
Cement Urns
- May remain beside the monument past October 15 provided they are placed upside down
- Those who place urns are responsible for their upkeep
Flower Beds
- May be placed around the base of monuments but shall not exceed 15” in width
- Must be planted by June 15 and cleared of tender plants after the first frost of autumn
- Those who install or use flowerbeds are responsible for their upkeep
Please note Cemetery Staff reserve the right to remove or refuse any wreath that does not conform to the standards as indicated below or is not in keeping with the dignity and the decorum of the cemetery.
All wreaths placed in the cemetery:
- May not contain glass or plastic
- Must be securely fastened to the monument or mounted on a stand that is at least 30” high and securely fastened to the ground
- May be placed on lots after October 15
- Shall be removed before April 15
The following standards apply to the planting of miniature trees and shrubs in the cemetery:
- May only be planted on double plots where the rights holder owns back-to-back plots (front and back)
- May only be planted on double plots with a monument
- May only plant one tree/shrub on each side of the monument
- Shall be no taller than 3’ and no wider than 14"
- Shall not obstruct adjacent plots
- All planting must be approved by Cemetery Staff
- Shall be on the list of approved plant species
Please note Cemetery Staff reserve the right to remove or refuse any tribute that does not conform to the standards as indicated below or is not in keeping with the dignity and the decorum of the cemetery.
Please refrain from leaving tributes that are:
- Made of metal, wood, glass or plastic
- Offensive or culturally insensitive
The Town's Cemetery Staff are responsible for ensuring cemetery plots are maintained and kept properly graded, sodded and mown. Water faucets are available throughout the cemetery for watering live floral tributes, flowerbeds and trees. Individuals who place live floral tributes or install flowerbeds in the cemetery are responsible for their upkeep. Please notify Cemetery Staff of any issues related to cemetery grounds maintenance.
Urgent Afterhours Cemetery Requests
Please call 519-599-3131 ext. 281 and leave a message with your name and phone number, indicating you have an urgent cemetery request. To review the Thornbury Clarksburg Union Cemetery Rules and Regulations, please click here.
For more information about what to do when a loved one dies in Ontario, please visit the Provincial Government’s Website.