By-law enforcement issues can be submitted online 24/7 through the online services system, by email, or by calling 519-599-3131 ext. 249.
The Town enforces its parking by-laws by issuing tickets to illegally parked vehicles on both public and private property. Enforcement is required to maintain legal parking, regulate traffic movement, and ensure public safety.
On this page:
1. Parking Enforcement
2. Winter Parking Restrictions
3. Parking Tickets
Parking Enforcement
Please submit any parking concerns by registering on the Online Service System; submissions are monitored outside of regular office hours. If your concern is an immediate parking enforcement issue, please choose By-law from the Online Service system; otherwise please choose Service Request. Service Requests are intended for reporting areas of concern.
The Town also maintains and enforces a number of standing parking restrictions on specific Town roads. To see the full list of roads impacted by parking restrictions, please view the Parking By-Law at the link below.
Parking Tickets
Pay a Parking Ticket
The Town is now offering online parking ticket payments. Please visit the Paytickets website to pay your parking ticket online. Parking tickets can also be paid in person at Town Hall.
Paytickets Troubleshooting
In some cases, a ticket number that begins with a zero must be entered with the zero omitted to be recognized in the Paytickets system - i.e., ticket number '01234' should be entered as '1234'.
Please do not pay overdue parking (plate denial) fees on the Paytickets website. Fees for overdue parking tickets that have resulted in the Ontario Ministry of Transportation's refusal to issue or validate your vehicle permit must be paid at a Service Ontario location, or the Owen Sound Provincial Offences Court.
Cancelling Parking Tickets
Under the majority of circumstances, parking tickets cannot be cancelled. Only the Municipal Prosecutor who has been designated the authority to cancel Parking tickets may consider doing so provided that one or more of the following criteria has been satisfied: