Please have garbage, recycling, and organics curbside and ready for pickup by 7:00 a.m. on your day of collection.
On this page:
1. Collection Schedule
2. Collection Limits
3. New Non-Residential Blue Box Regulation
4. Placing Your Curbside Garbage Bin
5. Frequently Asked Questions
Collection Schedule
The Waste Resource tool can be used to confirm collection day and holiday collection information. It can also be used to determine what types of materials or waste are accepted curbside or at the Town Landfill & Recycling Depot. To do this, select the "Wizard" tab and then type your inquiry into the search bar.
Collection Limits
Garbage & Organics
- First bag of garbage is free, a second bag requires one tag, a third bag requires two tags. More than three bags is not permitted.
- Garbage bag weight limit is 18kg with dimensions of no larger than 76cm x 97cm.
- Garbage cans must have side handles and dimensions no larger than 84cm in height x 56cm in diameter.
- Organics are collected weekly. All green bin items must be contained in compostable bags.
Garbage Bag Tags cost $5.00 and are available at Town Hall, Landfill & Recycling Depot, L.E. Shore Memorial Library, Thornbury Foodland, Hindle's Hardware, Circle K Craigleith and Ravenna Country Market.
- Recycling (blue and grey boxes) is collected weekly.
- Recycling must be sorted into proper streams. Blue box: glass, plastic, metal. Grey box: paper and small cardboard items.
- Cardboard must be flattened to 61cm x 46cm x 15cm, and placed near recycling bins.
As of October 1, 2023, Circular Materials will assume residential recycling collection across Ontario. Collection dates and limits will remain the same, but any recycling-related inquiries should be sent to Miller Waste at or (519) 372-1855.
New Non-Residential Blue Box Regulation
In response to the new province-wide Blue Box Regulation, non-residential locations – including retail stores, restaurants, places of worship, for-profit retirement homes, service clubs, centres, motels, hotels and more – must register their address with the Town to ensure that they continue to receive curbside blue box collection service.
Placing Your Curbside Garbage Bin
Proper placement and maintenance of your curbside garbage bin is very important to make the collection process as efficient as possible.
Bins should be placed at the front property line, 1 metre from the driveway, completely off the shoulder or ditch, clearly visible for collection crews.
The bins must remain cleared of snow, bushes and debris at all times. Maintenance of the bins is fully the responsibility of the homeowner.