Water Services

The Town is responsible for delivering municipal water to connected properties. To verify if municipal water services are available at your property, please contact the Water & Wastewater Division.

Emergency Contact Information

  • Water Emergency: 226-665-0707

Please be advised. In accordance with the Town's Fees & Charges By-law, the property owner will be billed if it's found that issues associated with a water or wastewater emergency service call are located on private property.

On this page:
1. Water Treatment, Supply, Distribution & Infrastructure
2. Drinking Water Quality and Compliance
3. Water Use Restrictions
4. General Information
5. Frequently Asked Questions
6. Water Meter Upgrade Program

Water Treatment, Supply, Distribution & Infrastructure

Many elements make up the Town's water treatment and distribution system, including our Water Treatment Plant, booster stations, reservoirs and more than 120 km of watermain. This system ensures that clean, quality drinking water is available whenever you turn on your tap.    

Drinking Water Quality and Compliance

The safety and quality of municipal tap water is a provincial and municipal responsibility. The Town's licensed water operators ensure the high-quality standard for drinking water and operates the water system in accordance with the Safe Drinking Water Act, 2002 and all applicable Ontario Regulations. Regulations can be viewed at the Provincial Government’s e-Law Website.

The Town of The Blue Mountains drinking water consistently meets all Ontario Drinking Water Standards. The regulation focuses on treating and testing drinking water and mandates public access to information and notification of adverse results. In accordance with Ontario Regulation 170/03 (11) under the Safe Drinking Water Act, 2002, the most recent annual report is available in the documents section of this webpage.

Water Use Restrictions

Lawn watering restrictions are implemented annually from June 1 to September 1. The purpose of the restrictions are to ensuring adequate quantities of potable water for consumer demand and for essential services such as fire fighting purposes. At times when production cannot meet high consumer demand, the Town will initiate an outdoor water use restriction. Water use restrictions only apply to properties connected to the municipal water system.

General Information

Frequently Asked Questions

Water Meter Upgrade Program

The Town of The Blue Mountains began replacement of all water meters on properties connected to the municipal water system in 2023. The new meters will automatically send readings to the Town without the need to physically visit every property.

If the water meter at your property has not yet been upgraded, please contact the Town's Water and Wastewater Services division.

Why is the Town doing this?

The new meter reading technology will benefit property owners and the Town in a number of ways:

  1. Advanced Leak Detection and Consumption Alerts
    The Town will be alerted to any unusual spikes in usage indicating potential leaks, and homeowners will be notified in a more expedited manner.
  2. Automated Reading
    Town staff will not be required to travel to every connected property to record the meter reading.
  3. Seamless Transition
    When properties are bought and sold, the transfer of user accounts and payments will be more efficient.
  4. Increased Efficiencies and Reporting
    The Town will be able to monitor water using a web portal with up-to-the-hour accuracy.
  5. Future Expansion
    The new program will allow the Town to extend meter readings to new growth areas.

Safety of Smart Meters

Smart meters are wireless devices that transmit information using radio frequency electromagnetic fields (EMF) to let utility companies know how much water, gas or electricity a household or business is using. There are no health risks from exposure to radiofrequency EMF from smart meters. For more information, please view the documents linked below.

View Health Canada Fact Sheet

View Radio Frequency FAQ