The Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (MFIPPA) provides the right to access records held by the Town. The right to access records is subject to limited and specific exemptions. The right to access records includes both general records and any records that may contain your personal information. The Act governs how the Town may collect, retain, use, disclose and dispose of personal information which may be found within Town records.
On this page:
1. General Records and Personal Information
2. Submitting a Request
3. Annual Response Rate Compliance Reporting
4. Protecting Personal Privacy
General Records and Personal Information
Those seeking access to Town records need to contact the Department holding the records that you are looking for. Records are generally available unless there are specific reasons why the information cannot be provided. Where the records are not publicly available, a formal MFIPPA request is required
Every person also has the right to access personal information about them that the Town has. A formal request may be made to see the records and have the information changed if a person thinks the information contains errors or omissions.
Submitting a Request
All formal requests to see general records or personal information, or to change personal information must be submitted to the Town Clerk with an application fee of $5.00. This fee cannot be waived or refunded.
Completed formal request forms and the application fee should be mailed to:
Clerks Division
32 Mill Street
PO Box 310
Thornbury, ON N0H 2P0
Requests may also be submitted in person by visiting the Clerks Division on the first floor of Town Hall. Once the Town receives a request, it has 30 days to provide a response.
Protecting Personal Privacy
In addition to providing access to Town records, the MFIPPA Act also requires the Town to protect your privacy.
Personal information is collected and used by the Town for very specific purposes that are identified at the time of collection. Personal information will not be used for any other reason than identified at the time of collection, nor disclosed in any circumstance, except as permitted by the Act.
If there is concern that personal information has been misused or disclosed in a manner that is inconsistent with the Act, please contact the Town Clerk or the Information and Privacy Commissioner of Ontario.