If you choose to make a claim to the Town for property damage or personal injury, you must provide written notification as specified in the Municipal Act 2001.
Notifying your insurance provider of the loss is the best way to protect your interests. Failure to notify your insurer at the onset of the loss may prejudice your right to recover under your insurance policy.
In some situations, you are required to place the Town on notice within 10 days of the incident. To ensure that your claim meets the notice requirement, please forward your claim within the 10 day period, as follows:
- By email
- By mail or in-person
Manager of Purchasing & Risk Management
32 Mill Street
Thornbury, Ontario
N0H 2P0 - By fax
When you are preparing your notice of claim, ensure that it contains the following information, as applicable:
- Name, address and phone number of the person making the claim;
- Name, address and phone number of the person submitting the claim, if different from above;
- Date, time and exact location (address or closest intersection) of the incident causing damage, injury or loss;
- A brief description of what happened;
- The type of damage or injury sustained, including first aid administered or ambulance called;
- Weather conditions;
- Footwear worn;
- Attach copies of estimates (at least two), invoices or expenses incurred as a result of the event, or list these and indicate “forthcoming”;
- Attach photographs or diagrams;
- List name(s) of Town staff involved, where applicable;
- List name(s) of witness(es) and contact information; and
- List name(s) of contractor(s) involved, if known.
Claims will be investigated without prejudice, based on the facts as they present themselves and under standard legal practices and principles.
The personal information collected to investigate your claim is collected under the authority of the Municipal Act 2001, S.O. 2001, C.25 and will be disclosed to staff and service providers who require the information to investigate your claim against the Town of The Blue Mountains. Questions about the collection of this personal information should be directed to the Manager of Purchasing & Risk Management, 32 Mill Street, Thornbury, ON 519-599-3131 ext 232.
Fraudulent claims cost all taxpayers. The Town will prosecute all fraudulent claims to the full extent of the law.