The Town's asset management plan is written in accordance with the new Infrastructure for Jobs and Prosperity Act, 2015 and the Asset Management Planning for Municipal Infrastructure, Ontario Regulation 588/17. This new legislation has a phase-in for municipal governments to follow for asset management.
July 1, 2019 Asset Management Policy
July 1, 2021 Asset Management Plan for Core (linear) Assets
July 1, 2023 Asset Management Plan for all Assets
July 1, 2024 Asset Management Plan for all Assets with Proposed Levels of Service
To meet these deadlines the Town is writing individual asset management plans as included below.
The Asset Management Plans supply staff with the appropriate information to make informed recommendations to Council. They assist the Town in taking a responsible and sustainable approach to asset management. The Town’s hard assets include buildings, equipment, roads, vehicles, water, wastewater and stormwater networks, machinery, etc. Soft assets include things such as software, furniture, and planning studies. All of these assets will eventually need to be replaced.
The Town’s Asset Management Plan reflects the Town's commitment to accessibility and accountability and focuses on the governance of municipal infrastructure and how tax dollars are invested in the future.
The Town has created an interactive map showing the condition of Town-owned assets.