There are many ways to get involved and share your feedback with Town Council and Committees of Council. Navigate through the information below to learn more.
On this page:
1. Members of Council
2. Agendas, Minutes & Reports
3. Share Feedback with Council and Committees
4. Council Meeting Livestream
5. Committees of Council
6. Elections

Members of Council
Council is comprised of seven members - one Mayor, one Deputy Mayor and five Councillors, with each member being elected to represent the entire Town.

Agendas, Minutes & Reports
Agendas and staff reports are posted to the website before each meeting. Minutes from each meeting are posted on the website after being adopted by Committee of The Whole and Council.
Share Feedback with Council and Committees
Residents are encouraged to share feedback with Council and Committees of Council. Make your voice heard by submitting correspondence, appearing as a deputation, or speaking during Public Comment Period.

Council Meeting Live Stream
Council and Committee of the Whole meetings are livestreamed on the Town’s website. Video recordings of each meeting are archived to the Town website.

Committees of Council
Committees of Council provide advice, recommendations, and information to Council on various matters. Each committee is made up of public members from the community as well as members of Council.

The Municipal and School Board Elections are facilitated by the Town's Clerk's Office.