Committees of Council

Committees of Council include both members of Council and members of the public and are advisory in nature. Committees of Council do not make decisions but rather make recommendations to Council for consideration.

Recommendations from Committees of Council are sent to Committee of the Whole through a Committee Report. Any material can be brought directly to a Committee of Council, or can often be referred by Council for further review by the Committees.

Accountability and Transparency Committee

The Accountability and Transparency Committee is endorsed by Council for the purposes of growing trust in all aspects of decision-making of the Town in order to enhance the well-being of all…

Agricultural Advisory Committee

The Agricultural Advisory Committee is an advisory Committee of Council established to identify, review, discuss, and make recommendations to Council on rural, and agricultural-related issues in the…

Committee of Adjustment

The Committee of Adjustment is an independent quasi-judicial body appointed by Council, under authority granted by the Province of Ontario. The Committee of Adjustment is composed of five …

Economic Development Advisory Committee

The Economic Development Advisory Committee is an advisory Committee to Council established to provide feedback and recommendations to address priority Economic Development issues and opportunities…

Fence Viewers Committee

The Line Fences Act provides a dispute resolution procedure between the owners of adjoining properties in most of Ontario. Line fences are fences that mark the boundary between properties…

Grants and Donations Committee

The Grants and Donations Committee is an advisory Committee to Council established to raise funds to support the Grants and Donations program and for receiving and reviewing grants and donations…

The Blue Mountains Library Board

The Library Board also assumes responsibility for the former Museum Advisory Board and the Public Art Committee. The Library Board meets on the 3rd Thursday of the month at 1:00 p.m. The Board…

Thornbury Business Improvement Area Board

The Thornbury Business Improvement Area Board (BIA) current composition is:Six members of the Thornbury Business CommunityOne Council memberFor more information about the Thornbury BIA, please…