Committee of Adjustment

The Committee of Adjustment is an independent quasi-judicial body appointed by Council, under authority granted by the Province of Ontario. The Committee of Adjustment is composed of five members of the public who are appointed by Town Council.

Agendas, Minutes & Reports

Please visit the Agendas, Minutes and Reports page to view meeting information and documents.

Committee of Adjustment Information

The Town's Committee of Adjustment has authority under the Planning Act to grant minor variances from the Zoning By-law, and Fence By-law; and other associated powers under Section 45(2) of the Planning Act with extensions and similar/compatible uses to non-conforming uses, and conformity of uses that are defined in general terms.

The Committee of Adjustment convenes public hearings normally on the third Wednesday of each month. These dates are posted on the Council Calendar and are available here:

On January 29, 2024, Council adopted By-law 2024-04 Procedural By-law pertaining to the Committee of Adjustment.

Public Members
Michael Martin
Duncan McKinlay
Jim Oliver
Jan Pratt
Robert Waind
Contact information