Notice of Completion - Craigleith Wastewater Treatment Plant Sewage Pumping Station Environmental Assessment

Public Notices

The Town of the Blue Mountains (Town) has completed a Schedule B Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (Class EA) for the Sanitary Lift Station, Associated Inlet Trunk Sewer and the Septage Receiving Station Relocation alternatives. The purpose of the EA study was to determine the preferred approach to meet increasing sanitary flows at the Craigleith Sanitary Pumping Station and improve facility operations in terms of reliability, safety, noise and odour.

In order to meet future needs of the upstream collection system, a review of alternatives identified the following preferred solution:

  • Extending of the sewage collection system to the existing gravity sewer on the southern boundary of the intersection of Grey Road 21 and Highway 26. The sewer will proceed north within the Long Point Road allowance and terminate at the Craigleith Wastewater Treatment Plant (CWWTP).
  • Construction of a new sanitary pumping station to be located on the existing CWWTP property on Long Point Road.
  • Relocation of the hauled leachate and septage receiving station to the CWWTP where it will be co-located with the new sanitary pumping station.

The study was conducted in accordance with the requirements of Phases 1 and 2 of the Municipal Class EA Process which is an approved process under the Ontario Environmental Assessment Act. The project file for this project provides a detailed summary of the technical, public consultation and environmental investigations that were undertaken in order to comply with the Schedule B requirements and to select the preferred alternative. The complete Project File Report and other information are available on the Town’s project web page.

Interested individuals or organizations may provide written comments to the Municipality on the proposed works within 30 calendar days from the date of this Notice. Comments should be directed to: 

WT Infrastructure Solutions Inc. 
Jamie Witherspoon, P.Eng.
(519) 400-6701

Town of The Blue Mountains 
Manager of Water & Wastewater Services
Allison Kershaw 

View Detailed Notice of Completion