Purchasing & Bid Opportunities

The Town of The Blue Mountains' bid opportunity process is one of the many ways the Town is committed to providing a fair, open and transparent procurement process. Through posted opportunities, the Town ensures it obtains the best value for goods and services.

The Town of The Blue Mountains Purchasing Division leads the procurement of goods and services required by all Town departments. It is the duty of the Purchasing Division to acquire goods and services as economically as possible with due regard for price, quality, and delivery.

Current Bid Opportunities

For a list of current bid opportunities, please visit the Town's official Bids and Tenders opportunity page.

View Bids and Tenders Site

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Risk Management

Find more about the Town's risk management strategy, and learn how to make a claim to the Town for property damage or personal injury.

View Details

Archived Bid Opportunities

The following is a list of past bid opportunities for the Town of The Blue Mountains from 2008 to December 31, 2017. If you have questions regarding past bid opportunities, please contact the Purchasing Division.

For archived bids posted after January 1, 2018, please refer to The Blue Mountains Bid Opportunity page and select "Archived" from the bid status dropdown menu.