Arthur Street Parking Lot in summer

Arthur Street West Parking Lot

On this page: 
1. Project Updates
2. Quarterly Progress Reports

On June 15, 2020, The Blue Mountains Council approved the purchase of Lot 15 and Lot 17 on Arthur Street West in Thornbury with the purpose of providing a formalized parking area.

Measuring approximately 2600 square metres, the area will be developed into a small hard surfaced lot that will maximize parking potential with consideration for drainage and stormwater management, lighting, landscaping and capacity for future electric vehicle charging stations. Removal of the existing structure on the property has occurred and the Town has awarded a contract for engineering services to WT Infrastructure Inc.

Construction began in early May 2022, and the parking lot was open to the public by the end of June 2022.

Why Now?

The Town of The Blue Mountains has identified a need for more parking in the downtown core of Thornbury.

Project Updates

Quarterly Progress Reports

Q3 2022

Project Scope: Within reduced scope
Project Schedule: On schedule
Project Budget: Within amended budget

Notes: Construction is complete and the project has entered a 12-month warranty period.