On this page:
1. Project Updates
2. Quarterly Progress Reports
On June 15, 2020, The Blue Mountains Council approved the purchase of Lot 15 and Lot 17 on Arthur Street West in Thornbury with the purpose of providing a formalized parking area.
Measuring approximately 2600 square metres, the area will be developed into a small hard surfaced lot that will maximize parking potential with consideration for drainage and stormwater management, lighting, landscaping and capacity for future electric vehicle charging stations. Removal of the existing structure on the property has occurred and the Town has awarded a contract for engineering services to WT Infrastructure Inc.
Construction began in early May 2022, and the parking lot was open to the public by the end of June 2022.
Why Now?
The Town of The Blue Mountains has identified a need for more parking in the downtown core of Thornbury.
July 29, 2022
E.C. King Construction is demobilizing from the site and has removed all fencing and construction materials. Please avoid walking on the fresh sod for at least 2-3 weeks to allow it to take root. Construction crews may return from time to time to water the landscaping and rectify any deficiencies that are found.
June 30, 2022
Paving, line painting, lighting and signage have all been completed. The parking lot will be operational for the July long weekend, with fencing and traffic barrels left up in some areas for pedestrian safety. Construction crews will return over the coming weeks to complete the landscaping work.
June 27, 2022
Construction of the Arthur Street West Parking Lot is proceeding well. Concrete curbs and sidewalks have been installed. The contractor is planning to pave the parking lot and road cut on Monday and Tuesday of this week, then will transition to landscaping work.
June 20, 2022
Construction of the Arthur Street Municipal Parking Lot is continuing on schedule. Storm sewer work is nearing completion and light post bases have been installed. Upcoming construction work will include installation of concrete curbs, completion of base preparation, fine grading, and paving.
June 13, 2022
This week's construction plan includes storm sewer work, installation of conduit for EV charging stations and final preparations for installation of the concrete curbs. The contractor is also planning to install and connect the Oil/Grit Separator to the existing storm sewer system on Monday. This will require closure of the south lane on Arthur Street. Traffic will be shifted to maintain two lanes of travel. The south sidewalk will remain closed during this work.
June 6, 2022
Construction of the Arthur Street West Parking Lot is proceeding well. To date, 95% of the sub-base preparation and granular sub-base is complete, as well as the majority of the stormwater management system. Construction activities scheduled for this week include placement of the "A" granular base, and preparation for curb and sidewalk installation.
May 30, 2022
Construction activities scheduled for this week include the completion of the storm sewer system, and preparation for curb and sidewalk installation which is scheduled to begin the week of June 6.
May 24, 2022
Construction of the Arthur Street West Parking Lot remains on schedule. Work this week is scheduled to include the continuation of the internal storm sewer system, and the connection to the external storm sewer. Two lanes of traffic will be maintained at all times while this work is being completed.
May 16, 2022
Construction of the Arthur Street West Parking Lot is proceeding on schedule. Work this week is scheduled to include continued excavation and preparation of the granular sub-base, as well as the start of the installation of the parking lot’s storm sewer system.
May 9, 2022
The construction schedule for this week includes demolition of the shed located at the south corner of the lot, site stripping and clearing, and fence installation along the south property line. Residents should be aware of the additional noise, dust and disturbances these activities may cause.
April 29, 2022 - Construction Notice and drawings for tender
The Town has issued the Construction Notice for the Arthur Street West Municipal Parking Lot. Construction is scheduled to begin early in the week of May 2, 2022. Work will begin with the installation of site fencing, removal of necessary trees in accordance with the Migratory Birds Convention Act, and demolition of the structure in the south corner of the lot.
View Tendered Engineering Drawings
February 14, 2022 - Follow-up meeting with Town Council
A Staff Report was presented to Town Council with recommendations of cost-saving measures and phasing options for consideration. The report also requested an increase in project budget based on the revised costs.
Council accepted the report and directed staff to remove the bike lockers and pedestrian plaza from the project scope, along with an adjusted landscaping plan for a total cost reduction of $69,000. Council approved a budget increase of $361,000 – from $410,000 to $771,000 – to allow for final design, contract administration and construction of the Parking Lot. Council also directed staff to explore other revenue sources including for EV charging stations.
The project will be tendered for construction once the Town receives approval for the storm sewer works from the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks.
January 19, 2022 - Project update Staff Report and budget increase request
A Staff Report was presented to Committee of the Whole with an update on the consultation efforts, design, and budget for the Arthur Street West Parking Lot. This report also requested an increase in project budget as a result of consultation, design input, and estimated construction costs.
Committee of the Whole accepted this report, and directed staff to prepare a subsequent staff report to be presented at the February 14, 2022 Town Council meeting that will include alternative cost-saving design options including the possibility of phasing the project, assumptions on cost recovery including a full financial payback analysis, sustainability and maintenance costs.
December 14, 2021 - Detailed design presentation
A presentation of the detailed design of the parking lot was made to the Thornbury BIA Board on December 1, 2021. The presentation included more information on the changes that had been made to the design based on the feedback received through the September 14 meetings with the BIA and adjacent residents.
View Detailed Design Presentation
A letter summarizing the changes made to the design was sent to adjacent residents via email on December 14, 2021. If you would like a copy of this letter, please contact the Operations Department.
September 14, 2021 - Initial design presentations
Virtual meetings were held with adjacent property owners and the Thornbury BIA Board of Directors to gather feedback on the initial design of the Arthur Street West Parking Lot. The virtual meetings featured a Conceptual Design Presentation for the parking lot design from WT Infrastructure. The design includes 49 standard parking spaces, three barrier-free parking spaces, allowance for electric vehicle charging spaces, a bicycle and pedestrian plaza, as well as native and drought-tolerant landscaping. Feedback received during the meetings will be considered through the next phase of the project.
June 24, 2021 - Community Space construction complete
The Town's Community Services department has installed seating including Muskoka chairs and picnic tables for a "Community Space" to be used through the summer of 2021.
June 11, 2021 - Community Space construction begins
The Town of The Blue Mountains Community Services department will begin the creation of the "Community Space" to coincide with the Ontario reopening plan.
March 29, 2021 - Temporary Community Space
Committee of the Whole has decided that the area will be turned into a 'Community Space' for the Summer of 2021.
Quarterly Progress Reports
Q3 2022 | Project Scope: Within reduced scope Notes: Construction is complete and the project has entered a 12-month warranty period. |
Q2 2022 Project Scope: Within reduced scope
Project Schedule: On schedule
Project Budget: Within amended budgetQ1 2022 Project Scope: Scope reduced
Project Schedule: On schedule
Project Budget: Within amended budgetNotes: Town Council has directed staff to remove the pedestrian plaza and bike lockers from the project scope.