Map view of Hinds Brook project area

Hinds Brook (Homefield)

Project Update: November 27, 2024

Planning staff are currently reviewing the application and public comments received up to and at the Public Meeting held on Tuesday, November 26, 2024. Staff intend to bring a recommendation report to Committee of the Whole in the new year. 

Project Information
Application Type(s)
Town file #
P3457, P3458, P3459, P3460
496857 Grey Road 2
Date of Complete Application
October 16, 2024
Date of Public Meeting
November 26, 2024, at 9:30 am
Total Residential Units
Project location

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The Hinds Brook (Homefield) development proposal aims to build 376 rowhouse and back-to-back units on the lands of 496857 Grey Road 2. The site is currently designated as Rural, Hazard, and Special Agriculture. It is bound by Grey Road 2 to the west, the Georgian Trail to the northeast, and includes significant woodlands and a portion of Indian Brook. 

The property is surrounded:

  • to the north: by a trailer park zoned Recreation, employment lands  hazard lands, and the Georgian Trail 
  • to the east: by the Georgian Trail
  • to the south:  by special agricultural lands, hazard lands, and vacant lands designated future secondary plan area  
  • to the west: by employment lands 

The proposal includes applications for an Official Plan Amendment, Zoning By-law Amendment, Draft Plans of Subdivision, and Draft Plan of Condominium to:

  • Change the Official Plan designation of the subject lands from Rural, Hazard and Special Agriculture to Community Living Area, Hazard and Special Agriculture with site-specific permissions for a maximum density of 39 units/HA, resulting in a maximum of 376 rowhouse and back-to-back units;
  • Rezone the lands from Rural, Hazard and Special Agriculture to:
    • Introduce 6 sets of site-specific and relaxed zoning standards; 
    • Introduce new standards for back-to-back and rowhouse units;
    • Revise Hazard zone boundaries; and
    • Assign Open Space zoning to the proposed park and amenity space
  • Subdivide and create lots for each of the proposed 376 rowhouse and back-to-back units and create private roads, a stormwater management facility, park or amenity areas and two hazard land blocks;
  • Create a common elements condominium excluding hazard lands;
  • Remove significant woodlands from the portion of the lands proposed for development. 

The effect of the proposed Subdivision and Condominium applications would also allow for either or both of a land lease and/or a freehold common element condominium on the subject lands.

A Public Meeting to consider these applications is scheduled for November 26, 2024, at 9:30 am. The Public Meeting will be a hybrid format, held both in-person at Town Hall and virtually via Microsoft Teams. 

Public Meetings

A Public Meeting to consider these applications was held on November 26, 2024, at 9:30 a.m., in person at Town Hall and virtually via Microsoft Teams. 

Notice of Complete Application and Public Meeting

Watch the Public Meeting

Town Presentation Materials          Applicant Presentation Materials

Development Timeline

 This icon indicates when the Public Meeting will take place.

 Click or hover over each step for more information.

Visit Explore the Development Process for a more in depth look at each phase.


  1. completed
  2. completed


  1. completed
  2. current step
  3. not completed

Development Engineering:

  1. not completed
  2. not completed
  3. not completed
  4. not completed
  5. not completed


  1. not completed
  2. not completed
  3. not completed
  4. not completed