Residential Decks Permit Guide: Building Permit Requirements

All application forms, drawings, and related documents shall be submitted electronically in PDF format to or by using our secure ShareFile system. Please refer to our Electronic Document Submission Guide.

More information on Standard Residential Deck Details can be found here.

Required Application Forms

  1. Building Permit Application including Schedule 1 Designer Information
  2. Owner’s Authorization Form (Required if Applicant is not the Owner)
  3. Applicable Law  

Required Drawings and Information  

  1. Site Plan to include proposed setbacks to all property lines, area & percentage of lot coverage
  2. Construction Drawings (including plan and at least one section)
  3. A qualified design with a BCIN is required where a non-homeowner is designing the residential deck, or where any structures (including hot tubs, pergolas, gazebos, trellises, lattices, etc.) are constructed on top of the proposed deck.
  4. A homeowner designing a deck that requires a building permit is exempt from the designer qualification (BCIN) as they may design their own deck, provided sufficient information has been provided as per the Building By-Law in effect. 

Fees and Charges  

  1. Building Permit Flat Fee $175.00
  2. Each Additional deck to be constructed within the same property $87.50
  3. Railing Replacement, Deck Repairs, etc. $100.00 

Approvals from other Agencies are required in many instances before a building permit application can be processed and before a permit is issued for construction. These approvals are not administered by Building Services. Please ensure all other required approvals are complete.  Applicable Law 

Next Steps

Submit complete application including supporting documentation, electronically to . Application is reviewed for completeness and compliance with the Ontario Building Code and Applicable Law. Application review comments are provided during review to identify any outstanding requirements and to summarize permit fees. Permit will be issued when review is complete and all fees are paid. Construction begins and inspections may be scheduled. Building Inspector checks major phases of construction until Occupancy and/or Final are complete.