On April 15, 2024, Council enacted a by-law that approved the ZBA for this project and granted Provisional Consent to sever a portion of the lands to create three new residential lots.
The Town received a complete application for a proposed Zoning By-law Amendment in 2022. The purpose of the application is to re-zone a portion of the subject lands from the Rural Residential (RUR) and Hazard (H) zones of the former Township of Collingwood Zoning By-law 83-40 to the Residential One (R1-1) zone of Town of The Blue Mountains Zoning By-law 2018-65. The application was the subject of a public meeting on June 13, 2022, but a decision was not made to allow the applicant additional time to address received comments. Three subsequent Consent to Sever applications were submitted to facilitate the creation of three lots for residential single detached dwelling units.
Public Meetings & Public Notices
Public Meeting - Consent to Sever
A Public Meeting to consider these applications was held on March 12, 2024 at 9:30 am. Watch the meeting here.
Notice of Complete Application and Public Meeting
Public Meeting - Zoning By-law Amendment
A Public Meeting to consider these applications was held on June 13, 2022. Watch the meeting here.