Official Plan Final Draft Posted, Recommendation Report Prepared

Press Releases

The Town of The Blue Mountains is pleased to announce that a final draft of the Official Plan is now available on the project webpage

The final draft incorporates changes from Phase 1 (shown in red) and Phase 2, including the most recent updates completed as of November 27, 2024 (shown in blue). In addition, an updated Comment Matrix summarizing all public comments received up to November 26, 2024, with staff responses has been posted. 

Next Steps

Staff will present the final Official Plan Draft and a recommendation report to the Committee of the Whole on December 10, 2024. The recommendation report will be included with the meeting agenda when released and will be available on the project webpage.

Following the recommendations from the Committee of the Whole on December 10, Council may look to adopt the Official Plan draft at the Council Meeting on December 16, 2024. If adopted, Town staff will forward the Official Plan to Grey County for review and final approval. 


Beginning in 2021, the Official Plan Review has been a collaborative process with Town staff and project consultants working closely with the community in workshops, drop-in sessions, and open houses to shape policies that address key topics such as managing growth, housing, density and intensification, environmental protection, and preservation of agricultural and natural features. Once approved by the County, the Official Plan will serve as a critical document to guide all future land-use decisions in the Town, including residential, commercial, and other forms of development.

For more information or to subscribe for project updates, please visit the project webpage or contact: 

Shawn Postma, MCIP RPP
Manager of Community Planning
(519) 599-3131 ext. 248